Protecting Your Family And Your Future

Do You Have Questions About Your Rights As A Father?

As more fathers want equal time with their children, fathers’ rights cases have become increasingly common. If you are concerned about getting adequate rights to your child, The Barhaugh Law Firm, P.C., can help.

Attorney Darran Barhaugh represents fathers who are divorcing, as well as those who were never married to their child’s mother. You can rely on attorney Darran Barhaugh‘s experience with Illinois family law. He is prepared to protect your parental rights in custody and paternity cases. Call the firm at (630) 689-1778 to schedule a free consultation.

Protecting Your Relationship With Your Child

In Illinois, there is no automatic presumption by the court that mothers are better than fathers at raising children. Child custody is determined by what is in the best interest of the child, and most often, this means spending time with both parents. The Barhaugh Law Firm, P.C. will argue for you to be awarded sufficient time with your child.

In cases involving unmarried parents, establishing legal paternity is necessary before custody proceedings can begin and before either party has rights or obligations. Paternity cases can involve some very sensitive issues. To protect the welfare of the child, however, it is best to determine paternity. Until paternity is established, the child has no right to child support, and the father has no right to custody. The Barhaugh Law Firm, P.C., represents mothers or fathers in paternity suits.

Contact Us To Discuss Paternity Or Fathers’ Rights

For a free consultation with a Naperville fathers’ rights lawyer, please call (630) 689-1778 or send an email today.